Tuesday 17 May 2011


humberside.police.uk   humberside.police.uk  humberside.police.uk  humberside.police.uk  humberside.police.uk
doncaster social services doncaster social services doncaster social services doncaster social services
david tune vicky haigh david tune vicky haigh david tune  vicky haigh david tune  key words used so this will show up on google key word search

This is a very brief outline well known horsewomen Vicky Haigh had her daughter . Romany 7 , placed in care by Doncaster social services . Her former partner and child molester David Tune  is a very clever man.

The Police have two <2.> video interviews in which Romany Haigh then  6 says "what daddy had done to me."

David Tune used his brother Michael Tune an officer in Humberside Police force frame Vicky Haigh.
Humerside police is very corrupt -some 30 officers where investigated, six resigned and one was convicted off tipping off drug barons.

Vicky was pregnant by her new partner , she was subject to consatant harrasment by the police doing favours . When she contacted MP John Hemming Dunstable social services planed to take her next child away -so she left for Ireland.

lisa bunn doncaster council   lisa bunn   doncaster council
tim hollis cbe qpm  chief constable humberside police  chief constable tim hollis  humberside police
chief constable timothy hollis humberside police tim hollis cheif constable humberside police  chief constable tim hollis